THE SUNDAY DICTIONARY/ That's what she said- Cher

Cher’s longtime costume designer and creative collaborator, Bob Mackie (‘the Sultan of Sequins’) once said:
“She’s a chameleon, but you never lose her. You put a blonde wig on her and you still see Cher.

And maybe that’s it…over the years, Cher changed her careers, looks and sometimes her mind- but she never lost herself or her moral compass. 
Cher is all about equality and has never been afraid to say so.

Watch Cher on Necessities, from a 1996 interview with Jane Pauley, below.

Pauley: “You said a man is not a necessity, a man is luxury,” 
Cher: “Like dessert, yeah.  A man is absolutely not a necessity.
Pauley: “Did you mean that to sound…mean and bitter?” 
Cher: “Not at all. I adore dessert. I love men! I think men are the coolest, but you don't really need them to live.
My mom said to me 'You know, sweetheart, one day you should settle down and marry a rich man'
I said, 'Mom, I
AM a rich man.'"

...this wasn’t about RICH or MAN, it was about EQUALITY.
Thank you Cher, for being an icon with such endless style, humor and beauty. 
Please continue to show the world that one can be what-and who ever they want to be, at any given time.

1. The state or fact of being required.
2. An indispensable thing.


THE SUNDAY DICTIONARY/ That's what she said- Grace Jones

Grace Jones on Gender, Sexuality and Identity- from a 1985 interview on an Australian current affairs program called "Day by Day".
Miss Jones never stood any nonsense and refused to be defined, especially by sexist  and narrow minded tv hosts.

“It’s not being masculine, it’s an attitude really. Being masculine, what is that? 
I mean can you tell me? What is being masculine?
I just act the way I feel.
That doesn’t make me anything.
I think it’s ridiculous trying to categorize people’s feelings.
It’s just do what you feel, when you feel like it, if you feel like it.” 

Photography Thumbnail: Kate Simon, 1979

Thank you Grace Beverly Jones- for being fearless, beautiful and for giving us such wonderfully clear instructions.

1. Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men.


THE SUNDAY DICTIONARY / That's what she said- Eartha Kitt

Eartha Kitt on Love and Compromise, from the 1982 documentary "All by Myself: The Eartha Kitt Story".

It’s not for me to decide [if someone can live with Eartha Kitt].
That’s for someone who decides to live with me to decide.
Not for me.
Compromise? What is compromising? Compromise for what?
Compromising for what? Compromising for what reason?
To compromise for what? To compromise? What is compromise?
[laughs] Stupid.
A man comes into my life and I have to compromise?
You must think about that one again. [laughs. throws her head back in amusement]
A man comes into my life and you have to compromise?
For what? For what? For what?!
A relationship is a relationship that has to be earned!
Not to compromise for…and I love relationships, I think they’re fantastically wonderful, I think they’re great, I think there’s nothing in the world more beautiful than falling in love.
But falling in love for the right reason, falling in love for the right purpose.
Falling in love. Falling in love.
When you fall in love, what is there to compromise about?
I think if you want to think about it in terms of ‘analysing’- yes, I fall in love with myself and I want someone to share it with me.
I want someone to share me with me.
Many times [that has happened] in many ways.”

Com·pro·mise / ˈkämprəˌmīz/
1. To settle a dispute by mutual concession:
2. To weaken (a reputation or principle) by accepting standards that are lower than is desirable
