Excerpt from the 1968 film ‘Kusama’s self-obliteration’ by Jud Yalkut, paired with music from Takashi Kokubo.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the infinitely beautiful and inspiring Yayoi Kusama!
Interview Footage from the ‘Advice to Young’ series by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in 2015. Camera by Yudai Maruyama Produced and edited by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen.
‘Young people receive advice and guidance from others.
I believe that advice shouldn’t come from others but that each person should gain a direction for oneself- by overcoming difficulty and a true direction will come from overcoming adversity.
Everyone, think deeply, fight harder and obtain splendid direction for your life. I wish for you to gain guidance from your deep thinking and spread your ideas all over the world in order to establish a wonderful life and world.
I think that it is very important.
Let’s fight together for it.
It is my strongest wish as an Artist.”
Interview from the 2018 Kusama Infinity Movie, directed by Heather Lenz. Combined with photography of Yayoi Kusama at the age of ten in 1939, on the base of ‘My Flower Bed’ in 1965 and surrounded by sunflowers in 2000 for ‘Flower Obsession’
“ It’s just like when I see the flowers, I see the flowers everywhere…and there are so many and I feel panicked and become so overwhelmed that I want to eat them all.”
Interview from the Kusama Infinity Movie, dir. by Heather Lenz in 2018 combined with footage from ‘Kusama’s self-obliteration’.
“The universe is full of nothing, ever-expanding and ever-destroying itself.
Just like a drop that falls in water, I completely disappear in the universe.
I seek the energy of life and I turn it into Art.”
Thank you, Miss Yayoi Kusama…